Effective dispute resolution by combining mediation, conciliation and neutral third-party evaluation.




“The notion that most people want black-robed judges, well-dressed lawyers and fine-paneled courtrooms as the setting to resolve their disputes is not correct. People with problems, like people with pains, want relief, and they want it as quickly and inexpensively as possible.”

Warren E. Burger Former US Supreme Court Chief Justice

Courts impose an outcome, they tell you what to do. The hallmark of mediation/conciliation is self determination.

The choice is yours.

Nationally accredited mediator Joe Harman has the experience you need

Joe Harman, has been dealing with family law matters since 1986 and mediating disputes since 1992. To date, he’s clocked up more than 10000 hours of mediation together with 11 years as a Judge. This is his CV.

So when you engage Joe to mediate or conciliate your dispute, you know you have the services of an absolute expert.

He mainly uses Zoom sessions for mediation so you can use his services from wherever you are in Australia.

In some cases, Joe will conduct mediations in person, but these are subject to additional requirements.  See Process and Fees. 

Ready to mediate or conciliate?


Joe has worked as a mediator across all types of mediation practice. He’s also provided mediation training and supervision, written numerous academic articles on mediation, and lectured in family law at Western Sydney and Sydney Universities.

He is accredited as a mediator under the National Mediation Standards (NMAS) and has International certification in Online Dispute Resolution.

For 11 years, Joe was a Federal Circuit Court Judge, hearing over 500 applications each year, a mixture of property, parenting and child support matters. Joe understands what’s important when helping people resolve their disputes—and he knows what can get in the way.

Joe now seeks to use his nearly 40 years of experience as a lawyer, judge and mediator to help parties take control and resolve their disputes.


The hallmark of mediation and conciliation is self-determination.

The choices are yours.

Instead of taking your dispute to Court and having a judge impose an outcome which may not be right for either of you, mediation and conciliation help you reach a mutually acceptable solution.

Mediation and conciliation are a means for you and your former partner to negotiate a resolution to your dispute the way you both wish.

A mediator or conciliator does not take sides, but helps you decide what issues you need to discuss and facilitates and manages your negotiation, to assist you to reach agreement.  Mediation is purely facilitative – the mediator does not suggest settlement proposals.  In conciliation, the conciliator may may make suggestions for settlement proposals and discuss the likely outcome if the case proceeded to court for determination.

Odds in your favour?

Around 80% of mediated matters settle some or all issues, so the mediation odds are in your favour.

Advantages of mediation and conciliation?

There are many advantages of mediation and conciliation, rather than going to court, if you both agree to participate.


Mediation and conciliation can happen as fast as you both want—rather than dragging on for months as a court case would.  Joe is available on short notice.

Cheaper fees

Fees for mediationand conciliation are much cheaper than a court case. See Process and Fees. 

You control the outcome

The outcome is controlled by both of you, and it can be more tailored by taking individual needs into account.

Avoid relationship damage

Mediation and conciliation can help you to avoid damaging your relationship, which is so important when co-parenting is involved.

Review arrangements

You can agree on temporary or partial arrangements and then review them to ensure they work for both of you.

You decide

Mediation and conciliation put you in the driver’s seat. You both decide what is important, whether you want mediation or conciliation and when the process occurs.


Do I need a Lawyer?

You don’t need a lawyer, but you should engage one if you wish and being legally represented at mediation or conciliation is advisable.  It is important that party have legal advice before your mediation or conciliation session.  Joe does not and will not give legal advice.

Are mediation and conciliation sessions confidential?

Mediation and conciliation sessions are private and confidential. Generally, Information disclosed during mediation or conciliation cannot be used in evidence in court proceedings, subject to limited exceptions.

What can be mediated or conciliated?

Joe has a particular interest and expertise in mediating and conciliating property disputes.  Joe is also well-qualified to mediate and conciliate parenting disputes.  Whilst Joe cannot issue section 60I certificates, arrangements can be made, if necessary, for an additional mediator to be involved who can issue certificates.

Process + Fees


Ready to mediate?

